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Diamond Mountain Consutlting Group, LLC 20505 Little Creek Terrace, Suite 402
United States

Professional Profile

BK spent more than 20 years in the Commercial Real Estate Development and Brokerage industry before transitioning into Advisory Services and Trade Association Management. She served as the first female President of the CCIM Institute. Several years later (2013-2015) she served as the organizations CEO before moving to President/CEO of Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI). At CCIM with the help of a highly qualified staff she was able to help jumpstart the Institute into its maturity of today, bringing it through rough economic times by fostering growth through education and member retention. At POPAI she inspired and lead a bleeding organization with a substandard staff through a successful international 50th year OMA awards event in Las Vegas (planned and produced). Following the OMA awards she spearheaded the merger of the association with the Association of Retail Environments (ARE). The merged association is known as “SHOP!” today. She gladly shares her organizational skills with the dedication and providing the highest quality of service humanly possible.

Prior to entering the Association Management field full time she spent two years helping California charities develop real estate gifting programs and setting up proper due diligence protocols’ for such donations. 

BK developed her first educational offering for the Arlington County Virginia Adult Education program. The course called “Introduction to Analyzing Investment Real Estate” was so well received that it was known as the “go to” course for anyone interested in investing in any type of real estate. It was the only adult education course offered twice a year for 5 years running. She further developed a commercial leasing course and a commercial introductory course for the county. 

BK proudly served as the inaugural Chair of the Board of Directors (3 years) for the Board Certification of Corporate Real Estate (BCCR); an independent corporate real estate certification supported strongly by the International Development Research Council (IDRC), presently known as CoreNet Global. She directed the development of the program as well as the qualifications to achieve the certification. Today it’s materials are incorporated into CoreNet’s QPCR (Qualified Professional of Corporate Real Estate) certification.

An association manager, author, consultant, and educator BK Allen, CCIM is known internationally as a specialist in organizational advisory services. Her experienced association management, consulting/planning, asset protection and investment real estate management expertise adds depth to her counsel. She is proud to hold the CCIM Designation and be a graduate of the University of Virginia’s Real Estate Institute. Her academic expertise combined with that of “the school of hard knocks”, makes her counsel all the more valuable.


Professional Information